Imagine you are falling. But there is no ground.
「這是德國藝術家 Hito Steyerl 在她著名的⽂章 In Free Fall:A Thought Experiment on Vertical Perspective ⼀⽂中」,如此寫到的開頭,意指為我們正在無限墜落,但那裡卻沒有著陸處。對映當下的現實世界,不論是在地⾯上的,還是在雲層中,或甚⾄延伸⾄太空之外的⼀切,都因為戰爭⽽顯的毫無頭緒,正不斷地在墜落,或者應該反過來,戰爭只是表象,⽽更為根本的是,正因為⼀切毫無頭緒的墜落,⽽戰爭⼀觸即發? 「Ground」雖作為⼀個起始的點,但當中存在著⼀個必須被逆向考掘的⼯程,通過對於不同的技術物、事件以及歷史⽚段的挖掘,才能探尋到某⼀個點,即便可能是臨時的,但是它們依舊是組織起某個世界觀、時空、區域的基準,不過當今的世界似乎就如同Hito Steyerl所指出的,我們似乎沒有了穩固的地平線,在諸多⽅⾯,我們正在迷失⽅向,取⽽代之的是我們必須以「垂直」的觀點來理解正在墜落的世界。就現實⽽⾔,我們並不能無限墜落,我們需要⼀個穩固的基礎-即便是在戰爭中-來⾯向未來。 But, you have to look for something as a ground. 此展覽以尋找「ground」作為概念,透過4個被設定的⼦集,分別為「影像的技術⼯業-被忽略的視覺」、「技術物的地緣政治」、「不斷超越物理限制-重新尋找⽀點的視覺」,以及「英雄與武器的源頭-想像的⼒量」作為逆向⼯程的集合⽅法,來揭露當今世界之中,不同的技術物、事件以及歷史⽚段之間的某些關係,⽽「揭露」⾏動本⾝並不⽌於是⼀個過程,它將會是最終的⼀部分。 |
“Imagine you are falling. But there is no ground.” (Steyerl, 2011)
This is written by German artist Hito Steyerl (2011) at the beginning of her renowned essay “In Free Fall: A Thought Experiment on Vertical Perspective”, as mentioned above, it talks about a perpetual fall without landing. To mirror the present reality, whether it’s on the ground, in the clouds, or even everything beyond outer space, reality seems to be clueless and incessantly falling all because of war. Or is it the other way around that war is merely a re-presentation and is triggered precisely because everything fundamentally and aimlessly falls? To take “ground” as the point of departure, it involves a project that needs to be conducted in reverse for finding a certain point through investigating different technological objects, events and historical events. Even though such a point may be temporary, it still organizes the parameters for a certain world view, temporospatiality and regions. But, as Steyerl points out, the world we have today cannot maintain a stable horizon. We are lost in direction, in which it has to be replaced by the “vertical” perspective so as to understand the falling world. Realistically speaking, we cannot fall ceaselessly. We need a steady foundation – even amid wars – to face the future. But, you have to look for something as a ground. The exhibition takes the concept of finding a “ground” through four subsets, namely “The Industry of Image Technology – the Neglected Vision”, “The Geopolitics of Technological Objects”, “Continuously Transcending Physical Constraints – Rediscovering the Pivot Point of Vision”, and “The Origins of Heroes and Weapons – The Powers of Imagination”. The four subsets together act as a reverse project, revealing the relations between different technological objects, events and historical events in today’s world. The act of “revealing” is not only a process, but it is also the last stage of the exhibition. |
The Industry of Image Technology — the Neglected Vision
The work "New World" is based on the relationship between the United States and Taiwan from the past to the present, reflecting on this historical relationship through a leapfrog approach. It is a fictional military exercise that takes place on an alien planet, in which the United States and Taiwan cooperate.
This is an Earth-like colony planet established after several years of human space exploration, but it does not break the chains of history there, conflicts, nationalities and destruction spread to the far corners of the universe.
At the end of the military exercise, a Taiwanese soldier shoots an American sergeant major, if this were a real event in the future, what would history be like?
This is an Earth-like colony planet established after several years of human space exploration, but it does not break the chains of history there, conflicts, nationalities and destruction spread to the far corners of the universe.
At the end of the military exercise, a Taiwanese soldier shoots an American sergeant major, if this were a real event in the future, what would history be like?
新世界 New World
單頻道錄像 / 06:00 / 依場域而定 / 2022
單頻道錄像 / 06:00 / 依場域而定 / 2022
The Geopolitics of Technological Objects
This is a political Perspective. The altitude 70,000 feet is a highest airspace U-2 reconnaissance aircraft can fly, for the first time, the pilot's field of vision can glide smoothly in the cyan-blue gradual atmosphere.
The work “Altitude 70,000 Feet ”used the screen as a modern viewing medium to combine the cockpit of U-2 reconnaissance aircraft invented from the cold-war, a secret for surveilling the enemy's important Military building, America collect a lot of intelligence with this aircraft.
Therefore, the viewing of pilot belong the U-2 is high degree of visual politics.
I try to overlap the concept of screen as a window with a pilot's first-person perspective to discuss more about penetration between the image with medium of viewing, and perspective.
The work “Altitude 70,000 Feet ”used the screen as a modern viewing medium to combine the cockpit of U-2 reconnaissance aircraft invented from the cold-war, a secret for surveilling the enemy's important Military building, America collect a lot of intelligence with this aircraft.
Therefore, the viewing of pilot belong the U-2 is high degree of visual politics.
I try to overlap the concept of screen as a window with a pilot's first-person perspective to discuss more about penetration between the image with medium of viewing, and perspective.
高空70,000英尺 Hight 70,000 Feet
錄像裝置 / 05:00 / 2021
Video Installation / 05:00 / 2021
錄像裝置 / 05:00 / 2021
Video Installation / 05:00 / 2021
邊 緣,並且進⼊星際空間,NASA所發射的「航海家1號」正為位在距 離地球14,485,246,216 英里之外,是目前航行最遠的飛行器,
Voyager 3, a man-made satellite created in my imagination, began as an artificial object of solidarity during the Ukrainian-Russian war, symbolizing the message of anti-war and freedom.
It symbolizes the message of anti-war and freedom. On the technological level, satellites play an important role in contemporary society, such as the Internet, telephone communication, civil, military, google navigation, and the exploration of the universe, satellites are the important foundation of information civilization.
On the historical level, it is a heavy topic, it is related to a war that affects the contemporary world pattern "Cold War", the Soviet Union in 1957 launched the first artificial satellite "Sputnik 1", this satellite opened the prelude to the Cold War, in 1958, the United States launched the first man-made satellite "Sputnik 1", this satellite opened the prelude to the Cold War. In 1958, the U.S. launched the SCORE communication satellite as the first response to the Soviet Union in the arms race, and this satellite was the first communication satellite in history, at that time, this satellite also broadcasted to the world of the U.S. President Eisenhower's Christmas greeting, in the past few decades, the advancement of satellite technology has brought about a more profitable and surprising modern life, in 1969, the Apollo 11 The Apollo 11 moon landing in 1969 brought an end to the Cold War, broadcasting to the world via satellite that mankind had set foot on other planets, and brought a world victory to liberalism, but was it really a victory?
Satellite is both a technological technology and a history-writing technology, and now history seems to be going back to the past, and a contemporary war has been ignited. The Ukrainian-Russian war has brought to the forefront once again the contradictions of borders, territories, peoples and nations. We should once again express our freedom through satellites and messages, once again express our solidarity with freedom, oppose the war, and once again think about the relationship between technology and freedom.
邊 緣,並且進⼊星際空間,NASA所發射的「航海家1號」正為位在距 離地球14,485,246,216 英里之外,是目前航行最遠的飛行器,
Voyager 3, a man-made satellite created in my imagination, began as an artificial object of solidarity during the Ukrainian-Russian war, symbolizing the message of anti-war and freedom.
It symbolizes the message of anti-war and freedom. On the technological level, satellites play an important role in contemporary society, such as the Internet, telephone communication, civil, military, google navigation, and the exploration of the universe, satellites are the important foundation of information civilization.
On the historical level, it is a heavy topic, it is related to a war that affects the contemporary world pattern "Cold War", the Soviet Union in 1957 launched the first artificial satellite "Sputnik 1", this satellite opened the prelude to the Cold War, in 1958, the United States launched the first man-made satellite "Sputnik 1", this satellite opened the prelude to the Cold War. In 1958, the U.S. launched the SCORE communication satellite as the first response to the Soviet Union in the arms race, and this satellite was the first communication satellite in history, at that time, this satellite also broadcasted to the world of the U.S. President Eisenhower's Christmas greeting, in the past few decades, the advancement of satellite technology has brought about a more profitable and surprising modern life, in 1969, the Apollo 11 The Apollo 11 moon landing in 1969 brought an end to the Cold War, broadcasting to the world via satellite that mankind had set foot on other planets, and brought a world victory to liberalism, but was it really a victory?
Satellite is both a technological technology and a history-writing technology, and now history seems to be going back to the past, and a contemporary war has been ignited. The Ukrainian-Russian war has brought to the forefront once again the contradictions of borders, territories, peoples and nations. We should once again express our freedom through satellites and messages, once again express our solidarity with freedom, oppose the war, and once again think about the relationship between technology and freedom.
Continuously Transcending Physical Constraints– Rediscovering the Pivot Point of Vision
With the development of satellites, communications technology, and visualization, several important milestones for the human race have come, including the geographic reach of the human race to the edge of the solar system and into interstellar space.
With NASA's Voyager 1, the farthest spacecraft ever launched, located 14,485,246,216 miles away from Earth, and the first images of black holes made visible through multi-part arrays of telescopes scattered in different regions, science has once again taken the understanding of the cosmic world to the next level.
The work "Voyager III" is a satellite that I created based on the visual imagination of science and geopolitics. I tried to change the curved disc-like structure in front of the satellite into a rotating television screen, and through the movement of the screen itself and the images inside the screen, I discussed the international cultural meaning of science and geopolitics.
With NASA's Voyager 1, the farthest spacecraft ever launched, located 14,485,246,216 miles away from Earth, and the first images of black holes made visible through multi-part arrays of telescopes scattered in different regions, science has once again taken the understanding of the cosmic world to the next level.
The work "Voyager III" is a satellite that I created based on the visual imagination of science and geopolitics. I tried to change the curved disc-like structure in front of the satellite into a rotating television screen, and through the movement of the screen itself and the images inside the screen, I discussed the international cultural meaning of science and geopolitics.
航海家3號 Voyage 3
錄像裝置 / 03:00 / 2022
Video Installation / 03:00 / 2022
錄像裝置 / 03:00 / 2022
Video Installation / 03:00 / 2022
The Origins of Heroes and Weapons – The Powers of Imagination
The work "Possible Impossibility" is a fictionalized script that softens the collective memory of the Cold War-era U.S.-Soviet space arms race, for which a national space program between Taiwan and the U.S. is defined.
I use this collective memory and fictional space program to construct a long-standing historical connection between Taiwan and the United States, and in doing so, I problematize the space mission and transform it into an imaginary political issue they may face in the future.
I use this collective memory and fictional space program to construct a long-standing historical connection between Taiwan and the United States, and in doing so, I problematize the space mission and transform it into an imaginary political issue they may face in the future.
可能的任務 Possible Impossibility
雙頻道錄像 / 09:30 / 依場域而定 / 2020
Dual - Channel Video / 09:30 / Dimensions Variable / 2020
雙頻道錄像 / 09:30 / 依場域而定 / 2020
Dual - Channel Video / 09:30 / Dimensions Variable / 2020
文件 Document